11 February, 2009

Merry Doinkermas.

Donkey and Oinker learn about Christmas.

At the beginning of December Oinker started to notice everyone counting down with chocolate every day. They saw tinsel, and trees; wrapping paper and cellotape; they saw food and presents and the programming on Television started to get better.

Oinker wondered what was happening so Donkey decided to take Oinker for a closer look.

This is a Christmas Tree, explained Donkey. People decorate these with lights, and baubles and other ornaments. And on top there is always a fairy or a star. By tradition it's always the last thing to be put on the tree.

Oinker wanted a closer look at the fairy so he climbed far up to the sky.

She's very beautiful Oinker shouted back down to Donkey. Her skirt is made of delicate fabrics and she has sparkles and sequence all over her. Do you think she's a magical fairy? Oinker asked Donkey.

Donkey had no response. And told Oinker to come down incase he fell.

When Oinker got back to Donkey he asked why all this was happening?

So Donkey took him to another part of the Christmas decorations.

'This,' Donkey explained, 'is why we celebrate Christmas.'

'because of some plastic people?' Asked Oinker.

'No, no, no,' Said Donkey. 'It's all about who the plastic people represent.'

'Ahhh', said Oinker. 'Represent... hmmm.'

'Okay, okay, I'll explain further. A long time ago in Bethlehem a baby called Jesus was born and he was the son of God. He taught the jews about God and himself. And then he was killed by the Jews so that we could live again in heaven.'

'Oh', replied Oinker. 'So the plastic baby is Christ and the reason for Christmas?'

'Yes, Oinker, yes.'

'So, how do people celebrate Christmas now?' asked Oinker.

Donkey and Oinker walked over to a minature Christmas/Winter village.

'Oinker, not everyone believes in Jesus anymore.'

Oinker gasped. 'Really?' He asked. 'but he seems so important.'

'Well, people now celebrate Christmas as a winter holiday. Like these decorations for example. Christmas is always associated witht he cold and snow, and being wrapped up warm outside or being cosy by a fire inside. Christmas is all about giving, and being nice to each other – something that Christ did when he lived on the earth. So the spirit of Christmas isn't completely lost. It's all about how people feel, and the happiness they get from giving to people and from being with their families.'

'Wow,' exclaimed Oinker, 'I'm really happy when I'm with you donkey, you're my family.'

'Yes, we are family.' replied Donkey.

'So, what kind of things do people give?' asked Oinker.

'Well,' started donkey, 'Back when Jesus was born he recieved three gifts from some wise men. These gifts were Gold, Frankenscence and Myrrh. These three gifts lasted Jesus a very long time and I'm sure they were useful to him in his life.'

'Now, though, people give all sorts of gifts, from clothes and movies, to computers and soap. There really is no end to the gifts that can be given at christmas.'

'Come and help me wrap some gifts, Oinker.'

'Okay,' shouted Oinker excitedly. Can I pull the tape for you?'

'Once the gifts are wrapped we put them under the christmas tree for the people to receive in the morning,' explained Donkey.

'What are those though?' asked Oinker, pointing to the stockings laid near the tree.

'Well, to make Christmas even more magical, there's a man called Santa Claus, who delivers gifts to all the children in the world. He brings them all the gifts they could ever want or rather all the gifts they could need,' said Donkey.

'What a wonderful man,' Oinker retorted, 'can we hang some stockings? Will he come to us?'

'yes,' replied Donkey. And with that they selected their stockings, laid them under the tree and went to sleep to await the excitement of Christmas day.

In the morning they both woke up and found their presents from santa claus and from each other. How excited they were.

After opening presents Donkey explained that it was time for them to help cook dinner.

'DINNER' Shouted Oinker... 'that's my favourite part of the day.'

'I know,' replied Donkey, and wait until you see what's in store.'

'BRUSSEL SPROUTS... MY FAVOURITE,' yelled Oinker, 'I really love this Christmas thing, it's wonderful. What else are we having for dinner?'

'Well,' said donkey, 'we have lots of potatoes, carrots, brocolli, cauliflower, parsnips, beans, asparagus, bread stuffing, baby sausages, meat stuffing and this...'

'What's this?' asked Oinker.

'This is a Turkey,' replied Donkey, 'It's tradition to eat Poultry for Christmas dinner.'

'I'm a vegetarian,' said Oinker.

'I know,' said Donkey, 'and it's a good thing, because some people don't just have Turkey, they have...


'AHHHHHHH, Ham... ' screamed Oinker. 'Not me... no not me.'

'No, not you,' laughed Donkey, 'you're part of the family, and we don't eat family.'

'Phew,' Oinker expressed.

'There's one thing about Christmas that i've still to show you,' said Donkey.'

'During dinner, it's traditional to pull crackers, and inside is a joke, a toy, and a paper hat. You'll love the paper hat.'

'I will,' said Oinker. 'I will like anything more than seeing the ham again,' he continued.

Donkey chuckled, 'Ahhh, Oinker, you really are wonderful, Merry Christmas my friend.'

'Merry Doinkermas,' replied Oinker.

And with that they ate their dinner, watched many christmas movies, watched the new wallace and gromit animation and settled down for a good healthy nap.

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