16 September, 2008

Ti Amo Margherita

Donkey and Oinker are off on another amazing adventure.

This time they are taking their backpack. But what does that mean? Where could they be going?

Have you packed the sun cream? Asks Oinker. Donkey tells Oinker that he has, there's no way he's getting sun burnt again.

Donkey and Oinker have to wake up really early to catch two trains and a an aeroplane to get to London Stanstead, but they aren't stopping in London.

They wait for five hours before they catch their next aeroplane.

3 hours later Donkey and Oinker land in Naples, ITALY.

They are very tired so they get a taxi to the train station and travel even further south of Naples.

The next day they explore the town of Sorrento.

They think the Mediterranean Sea is the most beautiful thing they have ever seen.

Oinker asks Donkey how it can be so blue and green and hot all at the same time. Donkey explains that the colour of the sky influences the top layer of the water but the colour is actually given to the sea by the way that water refracts light. The deeper the water the blue-er it will become because blue light is refracted more than red light. And the deeper in the water you go the darker it will become.

Oinker says, 'oh', he pauses for a minute then suggests, 'let's go play in it.'

They had a lot of fun on the sea shore of sorrento.

The next day Donkey and Oinker decide to leave Sorrento and go back towards Naples.

On the way they decided to stop at Pompeii. Donkey and Oinker found the stables. They thought they looked beautiful.

They had a tour guide bring them through the ruins of Pompeii.

They liked to climb into all the holes and get a closer look at what used to be a really large town.

Oinker asked Donkey where all the people were. Donkey brought Oinker to see them.

They left Pompeii and continued on the train to Naples, where they found where they were staying and then headed out to eat some amazing food.

It was the best Pizza they had ever tasted in their entire lives. It was from L'antica Pizzeria Da Michele on Via P. Colletta.

They were both stuffed, so they decided to take a scooter around the rest of Naples to see the lively city.

They found a beautiful castle. Oinker told Donkey that he was going to be the King of the Castle and that Donkey could be his servant. Oinker would wear a crown and have a beautiful Piggy Queen. They would still have amazing adventures together though, Oinker assured Donkey.

On their way to bed they stopped for some Gelato from the best place ever. They choose Blood Orange Flavour, Pistachio Flavour, and the man in the shop suggested Coconut to accompany the other two flavours. Orange was their favourite. Oinker had to stop Donkey from going back inside for more. It tasted incredible. The Gelateria was just beside where they had eaten pizza and they noticed that the queue out of the door for pizza was insane. They really had chosen the best place in town.

The very next day, after a nice long nap, the notorious two continued North and went to Rome.

Their first stop was the colosseum. 'It's colossal,' exclaimed Oinker to Donkey. Donkey agreed.

Because of their size Donkey and Oinker were able to climb and walk on all the parts of the ancient structure that no one else could get to. They enjoyed being sneaky.

They both climbed all over the Colosseum and saw all the amazing things. Oinker asked Donkey if they could play hide and seek.

And so they did.

After they played hide and seek Donkey suggested that they pretend they were old Roman warriors. And they walked through the arches pretending everyone was chanting and calling their names because they were great heroes.

Then they ran into a feral cat. But the cat was nice to them and didn't chase them. Donkey was releaved. Oinkers was really really scared.

Outside the Colosseum Oinker spotted something interesting he asked Donkey why the other donkey was a lot bigger and had different shaped ears. Donkey told him that that was a horse and not a donkey at all.

Donkey and Oinker got back onto the Metro and they were both reading the map and deciding where to go. They both decided to see the Pope.

Donkey and Oinker made it to outside the vatican city.

And they saw some very interesting people dressed in very interesting clothes.

They saw where the pope went to church.

And they saw many beautiful paintings and giant statues.

On their way outside they saw many shops selling many many things.

Donkey found something of great interst. A LARGE Donkey. Donkey told Oinker that he could have been that Donkey, and that he could have been there when Jesus was born. Oinker asked if there were any pigs there when Jesus was born. Donkey told him that he didn't know but that didn't mean there wasn't. Oinker was happy that there could have been a pig there.

It was getting dark so Donkey suggested that they go to the Trevi Fountain before eating dinner because it looks more magnificent at night. When they got there Oinker agreed that it was.

They then ate the most amazing pasta they had ever had, and they met some new friends because it rained so much they had to sit with strangers at another table. They ran back to the metro in the rain and then had a good sleep because they were both exhausted. What a long day.

Donkey and Oinker didn't have a lot of time before they had to go home, so they set off early to see some different things. Oinker wanted to buy some souvenirs, Donkey told him there was no time.

They both made it to the Pantheon and thought it was such a beautiful building. The Vatican was beautiful too, but Donkey said that this was more of an anachronism.

The inside was just as beautiful and Donkey and Oinker even heard some people sing the hymn 'Praise To The Lord The Almighty' in either Italian or German.

They had time for some quick lunch (more pizza, but no where as good as the last one they had) and then had to get the bus to the airport.

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